As most businesses are shifting to working virtually or are continuously allowing their teams to work remotely nowadays due to the current global situation, a few of the challenges of working from home are distractions and time management. Let's say, your children or significant other can't really grasp the concept of working from home, you got chores that need to be done since it's been sitting at the back of your head, or you find yourself interrupted all the time since we all know that our homes are supposed to be our sanctuaries after a long days work, right?
If you are one of the people that are struggling with maximizing productivity while working from home, we listed down some tips that could help you along the way.
1. Use A Timer
You might think that there are tasks or things on your to-do list that can't be done within a certain amount of time. This approach can also be helpful to delegate your time throughout small tasks such as checking your email, work messages, checking up your to-do list on your project management board, or anything that you think is suitable for using a timer. Check out the Pomodoro technique, no, it doesn't concern with cooking, it's a time management method that can help break down work into intervals which are separated by short breaks.
2. Limit or Eliminate Distractions
Distractions include checking your phone several times, scrolling through social media, noise from your neighbor or within your house, or chores that are waiting to be done. Set your phone on Do Not Disturb mode or place it far away from your workspace. If you're dealing with noise, play some music that can help you focus, add soundproof wall panels you can get off Amazon, or find a way to minimize whatever is going on at home. During your breaks, that could be the time you can work on any household tasks you have, although remember you might want to spend your breaks on minimal tasks or distractions that suit your break time.
3. Remote Tools
The tools that you use while working from home has the capacity to keep you organized and focused throughout your day. The technology we have nowadays enables us to work remotely that can help teams become more productive and collaborative. Check out our blog about the 16 remote work tools for the virtual workplace and find which remote tool can be perfect to help you become more productive at home.
4. Set Up A Home Office
Have a dedicated area in your home that will become your home office. Get creative with how you want to style it, the most important thing of setting it up is being comfortable and being able to do your tasks with little to no distractions. It doesn't have to be an entire room that's specifically for your home office, but you could also set up one within your bedroom especially if you're sharing the house with your family members or roommates. Ensure that your home office has enough lighting to cut down on eye strain and headaches. Select an ergonomic desk or chair especially if you are working long hours on your seat. This helps prevent muscle discomfort during and after work.
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5. Declutter Your Workspace
Make your home office space a space dedicated for work. Remove anything that won't be contributing to your productivity such as half-read books, your children's toys, unused documents that have piled up together, and other things that won't be needed in your workspace. A clutter-free area helps you be more focused on your work rather than the things that could distract you.
6. Work With Purpose
When you work with purpose, you'll feel more passionate and committed to what you are doing, knowing that you are contributing to or playing a big role within your team. Having a strong sense of purpose will enhance your productivity and work performance.
7. Set a To-Do List
There are times some of us may be sitting in front of their screens, twiddling their thumbs, thinking about what to do or how to start off. As you start your workday, make a list of the things you need to complete. Jotting it down your planner is one of the ways to list your to-do tasks. If you have a project management application, that can be really helpful and can even send you reminders whenever you have a task that will be due soon.
8. Exercise
For some people, getting up in the morning is tough. Research shows that exercising in the morning before working boosts productivity. Working out raises your energy levels, combats stress, and improves your general well-being. When you feel energized, this radiates to your working, making you more efficient and productive. Walking, yoga, strength training, or simple low-intensity aerobic exercise are scientifically proven to increase productivity and creativity.
9. Let Others Know About Your Goals
When you tell people about your goals and what you want to achieve within a day, a month, or a year, you will be held accountable. This also becomes a source of motivation for some. Start accountability groups with your coworkers. Whether it may be something small or big, it will surely help steer your focus onto the important things in a period whether they are daily tasks or goals in life.
10. Reward Yourself
Reward yourself every now and then. Whether you have accomplished tasks, finished something you have been working on for so long, keep track of those milestones, and celebrate them. You'll be able to see how far you've come once you go back and view the past tasks or challenges you have done.
Staying productive while working from home could be challenging for anybody. We hope that these tips will help you become more productive while working remotely.
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Posted by Ryan Rodenbeck
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