Moving Mistakes to AvoidMany people consider moving to be one of the most taxing or difficult things to do in their homes. It's not surprising why people hold this view: The process of packing takes weeks, and moving day can be highly stressful. The anxiety about moving can lead people to cut corners or procrastinate on packing, thinking they will be better able to push through in the last week. Unfortunately, this attitude can lead to several mistakes during packing and moving. With this guide, people will know what to avoid while they get ready.

Table of Contents

  • Mistakes That Lose Time
    • Not Paring Down Possessions
    • Not Making a Moving Checklist
    • Not Having a Realistic Timeline
    • Not Staying Organized When Packing
    • Not Knowing What's Safe to Move

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Austin is America's Next Entertainment CapitalAustin has a long history of being the capital of entertainment and it's only getting better. From its rich music scene to its thriving film industry, this Central Texas is one of the most artistic places on Earth – and not for nothing. What if we told you that Austin has been attracting a lot of people from the entertainment industry? 

Over the past decades, the production of movies in the region such as "Miss Congeniality", "True Grit", "Dazed and Confused" and "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" as well as other award-winning films shown on silver screens has been a part of Austin's pop culture. 

Austin is on the rise and we know this means big things for the future. One thing to keep in mind is that many celebrities, as well as productions, are moving…

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