couple packing boxes while looking at a checklistMoving out of state can be a challenging and overwhelming process. To make your move smoother and more organized, it's essential to follow a comprehensive checklist. In this blog, we'll provide you with a detailed guide to help you navigate your out-of-state move successfully.


Six Weeks Before Moving Out Of State

At the six-week mark before your move, it's time to kick your preparations into high gear. This crucial period involves finalizing important details and making key arrangements. From scheduling car shipments and purchasing plane tickets to securing housing and researching moving companies, these weeks are dedicated to ensuring a smooth transition to your new state.

Organize Your Moving Binder

Create a moving binder to stay organized throughout the moving process. Gather all the necessary documents in one place, such as moving quotes, lease agreements, utility information, and any other relevant paperwork. Having a dedicated binder will help you easily access important information whenever needed.

Print Your Moving Checklist

Print a copy of the moving out-of-state checklist to refer to and keep track of your progress. A printed checklist serves as a visual reminder of the tasks that need to be completed, helping you stay organized and focused during the move.

Explore Your New Neighborhood

Before moving to Austin, Texas, take the time to research and familiarize yourself with the new neighborhood. Look for information on schools, amenities, local attractions, and community services. This will help you get a better understanding of the area and make a smoother transition to your new home. You can gather information about Austin, Texas, by visiting local government websites, reading blogs about Austin, online directories, and community forums.

Purchase Moving Supplies

If you're handling the move yourself, it's essential to acquire all the necessary moving supplies. This may include moving boxes, packing materials (such as bubble wrap and packing paper), tape, markers, and labels.

Make a list of the required supplies and purchase them in advance to ensure you have everything you need on a moving day. You can find moving supplies at local hardware stores, and office supply stores, or order them online.

Book Appointments

Schedule any necessary appointments for yourself and your family members before the move. This could include eye exams, wellness check-ups, dental appointments, or any other healthcare needs.

It's important to take care of these appointments in advance to ensure everyone is up to date with their medical needs before transitioning to a new healthcare provider in your new location.

Set a Moving Budget

Determine your budget for the move, considering housing costs, meals, travel expenses, and other related expenses. Evaluate your financial situation and set realistic expectations for the costs involved in the move.

Research the cost of living in Austin, Texas, to help you estimate your expenses accurately. Consider factors such as rent or mortgage payments, utility bills, transportation costs, and any additional expenses specific to your situation.

two people packing their boxes for relocation

Four Weeks Before the Move

With only four weeks left until your move, it's time to intensify your efforts. This period is all about getting organized and starting the packing process. Begin sorting through your belongings, decluttering, and making strategic decisions about what to take with you. This is also an ideal time to notify relevant parties of your upcoming address change and make any necessary arrangements for utilities and services.

Schedule Car Shipment

If you're not driving to Austin, it's important to arrange for your car to be shipped to your new location. Contact car shipping companies and compare their services and prices to find the most suitable option for you. Schedule the shipment well in advance to ensure that your car arrives on time.

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Buy Plane Tickets

If you're planning to fly to Austin, it's recommended to secure your plane tickets in advance. Look for the best deals and book your tickets early to get better prices and ensure availability. Consider the timing and duration of the flight, as well as any layovers if applicable.

Secure Housing

Finding suitable housing is crucial when moving to a new state. Research different neighborhoods in Austin and consider factors such as proximity to amenities, schools, and your workplace.

Depending on your needs and preferences, explore options like renting, buying, or short-term rentals. Start your search early to allow for sufficient time to find the right place. Learn more about buying a home in Austin or request a custom list of homes within your criteria here.

Research Moving Companies

If you're planning to hire professional movers, it's important to research and selects a reputable moving company that offers interstate moving services. Obtain quotes from multiple companies and compare their rates, services, and customer reviews.

Ensure that the chosen company is properly licensed and has a good track record. Plan this step well in advance to secure a reliable moving company.


Before your move, take the time to sort through your belongings and declutter your home. Get rid of items you no longer need or want. This process will help reduce the amount of stuff you have to move and make your transition to the new state easier.

You can sell, donate, or discard the items depending on their condition and usefulness. Start decluttering well before your move date to allow sufficient time for this task.

white moving van with a man carrying boxes

Two Weeks Before the Move

As the countdown reaches the two-week mark, the excitement (and perhaps a touch of nervousness) starts to build. Now is the time to focus on the final preparations.

Pack non-essential items, complete any remaining administrative tasks, and confirm arrangements with movers or truck rentals. Take care of any last-minute details, such as notifying important contacts, securing important documents, and ensuring your pets are ready for the move.

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Pack Essentials

Prioritize packing essential items that you'll need immediately upon arrival at your new home, such as toiletries, a change of clothes, important documents, and any necessary medications. This will help you easily access these items and avoid searching through multiple boxes.

Confirm Moving Arrangements

Confirming your moving arrangements will help ensure that everything goes according to plan.

Take Care of Pets (if applicable)

Make arrangements to keep your pets comfortable and secure during the move. This may involve finding a trusted pet sitter, booking pet-friendly accommodations if it's a long-distance move, or ensuring they have a safe space in your vehicle during the journey.

Double-Check Details With The Moving Company

Contact the moving company or any friends/family members who are assisting you with the move to confirm the date, time, and logistics of the move. This will help prevent any miscommunication or last-minute changes

A Day Before the Move

With just one day left before your big move, it's time for the final push to ensure a successful transition. This day is all about tying up loose ends and making last-minute preparations. Double-check your moving checklist to ensure everything is in order. Take a deep breath and get ready for the exciting journey ahead.

Take Care of Last-Minute Tasks

Addressing any remaining errands or responsibilities is crucial to avoid unnecessary stress on a moving day. 

Address Remaining Errands

Complete any outstanding tasks, such as returning borrowed items, canceling or transferring utilities, notifying the post office of your new address for mail forwarding, and completing a change of address with relevant organizations, subscriptions, and services.

Rest Well to be Prepared for Moving Day

Make sure you get a good night's sleep before the move to wake up refreshed and ready for the tasks ahead. Moving can be physically and mentally demanding, so adequate rest is important to maintain your energy levels.

Moving Day

Moving day can be both exciting and stressful, but with proper planning and organization, you can ensure a smooth transition to your new home. Here's a breakdown of the tasks involved on a moving day.

Follow Your Checklist

Refer to the printed Moving Out of State Checklist you have prepared. This checklist will serve as your guide to stay on track and ensure you don't forget any important tasks.

Wrap Things Up

Double-check all the rooms in your current home, making sure everything is packed and ready to go. Lock all the doors, and windows, and handle any remaining tasks or last-minute preparations.

Moving Out of State

Moving out of state requires careful planning and organization. By following this comprehensive checklist, including the specific considerations for moving to Austin, Texas, you can streamline your move and ensure a smoother transition to your new home. Please note that the information provided may vary depending on individual circumstances. Good luck with your move!

If you're considering moving to Austin, Texas, we're here to help make your relocation seamless and stress-free. Our relocation services are designed to cater to your specific needs and ensure a smooth transition to this vibrant city.

Whether you need assistance with finding a new home, navigating the local housing market, or settling into your new community, we have you covered. Take the first step towards your Austin adventure by clicking here to view our relocation services or speak to a relocation consultant. Let us help you make Austin your new home.

Posted by Ryan Rodenbeck on
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