As some people say, your home reflects who you are. The structure, style, colors, textures, pieces of furniture, and decor that your is within your home reflects your personality and sometimes even your character. Everyone wants a clean, organized, and clutter-free home. It makes your homes reveal their beauty from the inside out. We may have rooms or areas in our room that need some love and attention, and by that, we mean decluttering.
If you are looking for ways to declutter your home, whether you are looking into cleaning it for your comfort or preparing for staging before selling your home, here are helpful tips on how to declutter your home!
Tidy Up
Begin from making your bed. Yes, it may be a simple task but cleaning and organizing your home starts once you wake up and get out of your bed. After your morning routine, you might want to check on your nightstand if you got some items you won’t be needing from it, remove it. Remember the KonMari method by Marie Kondo? If it doesn’t spark joy, remove it, if it does, keep it.
Keep What You Need
Cleaning may be tough when you have a lot of things in your room or house. Get a pen and some paper, open your notes or keep some of these questions in mind to help you easily declutter:
- Does this belong in the... specific room such as the bedroom, living room, kitchen
- Will I be able to use this in the next few months or years?
- Do I really need it?
- Is it necessary for my home?
- Am I going to use it?
- Does this item have significance?
Sort Your Items
Now you’re putting away some stuff, sort them to easily identify what needs to be sold, donated, or kept! It will make things easier when you have boxes that are labeled to where your items are going. This trick is also really helpful when it comes to preparing for moving to your new home.
Invest In The Right Furniture
Are you living in an apartment or condo with minimal space? Maximize your space with space-saving furniture. Some examples of space-saving furniture are beds with a pull-out drawer, an ottoman with storage, a sofa bed, or extendable tables. These are great for small spaces. These types of furniture will help lessen clutter because of the extra storage they provide for your essentials.
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Reduce The Paper Trail
We all have that space or area in our homes that are solely for paper stuff such as documents, receipts, mail, and bills. Reduce the stack of paper by sorting them out then throwing or recycling them. Get an organizer and place the documents in their respective places. If some of it doesn’t matter anymore, it’s time to get rid of it and you’ll be surprised how much space you have left after cleaning up the paper trail.
How To Declutter Effectively
The trend toward essential living is at the heart of decluttering. By doing away with non-essentials, it's possible to focus on what is truly important, the things that bring meaning and joy to your life, uplift your spirits, and beautify your home. The idea is not to deprive yourself but to enjoy life, surrounded only by the things and people that are important.
With that as a goal, here are three strategies that pay off.
Reorganize Your Closets
Work on one closet at a time. Begin by removing everything from the shelves and hanging rods. Open storage boxes and sort clothing and other possessions into three piles: Things you love, items you seldom use, and clothes or accessories that are outdated, outgrown, or no longer your style. Immediately restock the closet with those things you love, and pack up those items that are unnecessary for your life, labeling them for sale or giveaway. Temporarily put the third group away, but plan to sort through it a second time to eliminate at least half of it.
Concentrate on the Kitchen
Everyone has a junk drawer in the kitchen, right? And that drawer is a valuable place to keep odds and ends that you "may need someday." But when your kitchen shelves and cabinets are overloaded with dishes and gadgets that you seldom use, it's time for a kitchen intervention. Dispose of unmatched dishes, glasses, and flatware. Keep only a few storage containers. Trash the pots with no lids, the convenience items that aren't so helpful anymore, and the gadgets you never use. By simplifying your life, you'll find time for other things, and you might find that cooking is a new adventure!
Clean Out Your Garage
If your garage is overflowing with odd tools, sports equipment, bikes and toys, paint cans, and boxes full of "stuff," it's time to make sense of it all with shelving or cabinets designed to hold the things you want to keep. The rule should be to have a place for everything you really need and eliminate the rest. Store holiday decorations and seasonal items in labeled boxes or plastic bins stacked neatly in a corner. Take advantage of ceiling hooks to store bikes, ski equipment, and fishing gear, and carve out space for the lawnmower and landscape tools you regularly use in the summer.
Organize your home to suit your needs, and develop a plan to keep it that way with regularly scheduled cleanup weekends.
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