78727 Homes and Condos for Sale

Locate the newest 78727 Homes and Condos for sale. For additional information, including sales history and prices, property disclosures and more for 78727 properties for sale, or to schedule a home tour of any property listed below, contact your LOCAL real estate experts today!

78727 Real Estate Statistics

Average Price $355K
Lowest Price $1.1K
Highest Price $1.7M
Total Listings 97
Avg. Days On Market 84
Avg. Price/SQFT $201

Property Types (active listings)

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78727 Real Estate Statistics

Average Price $355K
Lowest Price $1.1K
Highest Price $1.7M
Total Listings 97
Avg. Days On Market 84
Avg. Price/SQFT $201

Property Types (active listings)

78727 Property

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