In order to achieve the highest possible selling price for a home, it is imperative to employ an exceptionally robust marketing strategy.

Our primary objective is to consistently draw in a multitude of potential buyers, creating substantial demand for each property we list. There is no other real estate agency anywhere in the world that can match our efforts in attracting buyers!

home interior with orange accents

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Social Media

Facebook has risen to become one of the foremost marketing platforms, without question. Leveraging its amplification features, we can compile photo albums showcasing our listed properties and utilize boosts to re-engage potential clients from our database. Moreover, we can precisely target individuals who are actively searching to buy or sell real estate.

Our lead generation extends beyond the listings we share, as we also consistently provide valuable educational content on our Facebook pages each day. In addition to our main Lamacchia Realty Company page, we maintain separate office-specific Facebook pages for each of our branches, where we showcase our property listings.

television marketing

Photo and Video

professional photo and video marketing

The foundation of online advertising commences with capturing high-quality images to ensure each property attains maximum exposure. Let's be honest, most agents lack the expertise of professional photographers. The disparity between an agent wielding a smartphone and a professional equipped with state-of-the-art cameras, which we use for all our listings, is significant. Taking a photo might appear straightforward, but there's more to it than meets the eye. Factors such as angles and lighting can profoundly impact a buyer's perception of your home. All our images are captured by our Field Agents, who undergo professional photography training.

When it comes to video content, statistics reveal that listings featuring virtual or video tours garner 87% more views than those lacking such tours. Furthermore, it's noteworthy that 54% of potential buyers bypass listings that do not offer virtual or video tours.

Interactive Floor Plans

Utilizing Interactive Floor Plans leads to a remarkable 70% surge in online views. We incorporate them into each of our property listings. It's noteworthy that merely 8% of all listed homes include floor plans, which sets our listings apart prominently.

interactive floor plans

Real Estate Websites

interactive floor plans

High-quality photographs and interactive floor plans are of paramount importance, but their effectiveness hinges on comprehensive marketing across multiple platforms. Relying solely on the MLS (Multiple Listing Service) is insufficient for achieving widespread exposure.

We take the proactive approach of manually updating and claiming listings on platforms like and to maximize visibility for all our listings. In addition, we harness a multitude of websites, both large and niche, to showcase every property in our portfolio.

The increasing costs and workload associated with online home advertising deter many agents, who opt to rely solely on the MLS. However, to ensure that your home is seen by every potential buyer, it should be listed on as many platforms as possible. This comprehensive online presence across various websites will generate heightened demand and lead to a higher selling price.

Reverse Prospecting

Selling a home involves not only attracting potential buyers but also appealing to real estate agents. Our Reverse Prospecting Tool offers an innovative method for identifying potential buyers through their agents. With this tool, our agents collaborate to locate buyers for properties that may not even be listed yet!

Additionally, many sellers and a significant number of agents are unaware that MLS (Multiple Listing Service) and various subscription-based real estate databases provide the ability to target and share listings with agents who have buyers matching specific criteria.

Given that most buyers have relatively precise search criteria, these tools enable our listing agents to reach out to these buyers by sending email notifications to their agents, showcasing available homes for sale.

lender consultation

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