Why I Do What I Do I am inspired by building wealth in real estate, for myself and my clients. Real estate is one of the most powerful tools there is for building wealth. It's also the most expensive thing most Americans buy and sell, and an easy way to lose money, time and peace of mind through bad decisions. I'm interested in helping you make good decisions that will build wealth for both of us in the long run. Wealth doesn't just mean money. You can also have a wealth of time, happiness, inspiration and satisfaction, to name a few. I, personally, am interested in having a wealth of money, joy and inspiration. I help my clients use real estate as a tool to build wealth in the areas that are of most interest to them. I do that by taking time to understand what is important to you and then laying out a plan together to achieve that goal. Often that plan involves buying or selling a home soon. Other times, it means waiting. Whichever I believe it is, I'll always be transparent with you. That's why I do what I do, and the philosophy against which I measure every piece of advice I offer my clients. Sound like what you're looking for? Contact me here and let's talk about doing some work together.